national lutheran schools week

this week has been national lutheran schools week and since kelby attends a lutheran day care she was invited to dress up differently each day.

monday was dress up as your favorite color.  we went to wal-mart and bought a nice purple ensemble including a hat.  when it was time to get dressed on monday morning her favorite color changed to orange and since we did not have time to go back to wal-mart nor did she have any orange clothes in her closet she just wore a pink dress and boots.  nothing special so i did not take pictures.

tuesday was dress as your favorite candy.  she picked twizzlers.  although she did not like the way i made her shirt (she wanted me to glue real twizzlers to it), she did wear it and received many compliments.  thank you, thank you :)

wednesday was red, white and blue day.  and yes, kevyn needed to be in all the pictures.

that is toothpaste on her chin.  i didn't see it until we were done with pictures and the camera was put away.

thursday was beach day.  my plan was for her to wear her tankini top over a white shirt, a long brown skirt (i thought it looked kinda like a grass skirt), a lay and sunglasses.  she decided to put on jeans instead. 

i forgot about the pic until we were loading up.

friday was black & gold day.  all we had was a black and gold bow for our hair.  since there really wasn't much too our outfit and we were running reeeeally late, we skipped the picture.

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