new york crumb cake

i found a great (and super easy) recipe for a crumb cake over at  jeff's brother and his wife came over last night for dinner and dominoes and we served this for desert.  it was a hit.  it is very similar to what we call a "coffee cake" except the topping is more crummy. 

here is baked bree's picture:
new york style crumb cake recipe

and here is my picture:

i think i did pretty good :)

snow day

it doesn't happen often, but last night it snowed in central texas!  jeff woke me up around 11:30 to show me it started snowing.  after about the third time of him poking me, i got out of bed to see the snow falling.  this morning kelby crawled in bed with me and i asked her if she had looked outside yet.  she immediately ran to the window and you could see the excitement overcome her.  she had to go wake kevyn up to tell her.  both girls rushed through breakfast so they could get dressed and start making a snowman.  we used dust pans to scrape the driveway and then put all the snow in a bucket.  when the bucket was completely packed, we flipped it over and prayed it stayed together.  we eventually smartened up and got a spray bottle in attempts to turn our snow into ice.  it might have helped.  kevyn's hands got pretty cold so she wanted to go inside (which pretty much turned in to her crying at the front window).  needless to say, the girls had a blast!

kevyn crying at the window

ghirardelli square eyes, biscotti nose, and beer caps for the mouth
(because we're fancy like that)

spaghetti measure

i think i need this.  i'm always guessing how much spaghetti to use and this would eliminate the guess.  simply insert your dry pasta to fill in the portion ring and you’ve got yourself the perfect serving. measures one to four servings.  it's on my wishlist :)  if only i could convince my husband to read my blog...

new baby gap gypsy line

how cute are these items from the new gap gypsy line??? 


i think i want the ruffle top for myself :)

GAP gypsy line

valentine treat bags

i know it is only the 1st of february, but kelby and i have already put together her valentine treat bags.  she loves doing her "crafts" so i knew this year i wanted to help her make her valentines.  we waited until kevyn took her nap and then went to work.  although it drove me nuts, i love how she likes to make each one different.  i had to stop myself several times when i wanted to correct her or show her how to do it.  she thinks they are great and so do i!

please ignore the dirty nose and wild hair ;)

filling with candy

the finished product