tooth fairy pillows

last week kelby told me that one of her classmates lost a tooth and a fairy princess bought the tooth from her.  i know that this story fascinated her because she was very eager to tell me and i later overheard her telling the same story to kevyn.  we've never talked about the tooth fairy - i thought i still had time.  but i guess if she is having classmates that are losing teeth, its time the tooth fairy gets prepared. 

i've begun my search for a cute tooth fairy pillow and this it what i've found so far on etsy...


rain boots

it was quite an exciting morning for us!  we had a bad storm blow through and were without power for about an hour and a half.  luckily for me i was already back from the gym, had my smoothie made and was out of the shower about to put my makeup on.  i could hear the wind starting to pick up and even thought to myself "i better get dressed before the power goes out..."  but i didn't.  instead i found myself in the dark with no idea where to find a flashlight.  i made my way to the kitchen and found some matches and somehow managed to get a candle lit and from there i was good.  i lit a few more candles and then was able search the drawers until i found a flashlight.  the girls slept through most of the power outage.  i didn't see what the point was of waking them up - it's not like we could get dressed...  eventually i heard them moving around and kelby and i decided to crawl in bed with kevyn for a while.  it is so hard for them to understand how we are dependent on electricity for everything.  "no we can't make waffles.  no we can't watch cartoons.  yes, you will still have to go to school today.  eventually."   
the girls decided to migrate to my bed to wait for the electricity to come on while i was busy on the phone making sure our clinics had coverage, power, etc.  
on the up-side, the girls got to wear their rain boots to school today which is a rare event :)

mark + danielle

this past weekend our good friends mark and danielle got married.  and when planning their wedding, they asked the two cutest girls in town to be their flower girls (i might be slightly partial!).  kevyn was super eager for the job, while kelby was a little more hesitant - shocking, i know ;)  the pretty dress, fancy hair and the little bit of glitter makeup that mom let them wear might have helped.  they both ended up doing a great job!

kelby NOT smiling for the camera prior to the wedding.  i think nerves were getting the best of her.

danielle had a special table set up for all the little kiddos in attendance.  she had special snacks, capri suns, games, toys and custom made coloring books and crayons.  such a great idea! 

kelby and her good friend judson 

 they also had a photo booth at the reception and tons of props to use for the pictures.  this is kelby and jud before their photo shoot.  i think kelby ended up going to the photo booth 6 times!

kevyn spent the night out on the dance floor.  she was a dancing machine!

and that dress was great for twirling! 

not sure who this girl is, but i think she shared kevyn's passion for dancing :)

kevyn doing the grand march with jeff and i

thank you so much mark and danielle for sharing your special day with us!


this past weekend we dumped out kelby's piggy bank since it was completely full.  we now know why...  along with barbie parts and puzzle pieces, she had over $270 in it!  whaat?!?  we are thinking she received the piggy bank on her 1st birthday from uncle matt & aunt dawn so i guess that is 4 years worth of savings.  when asked what she wanted, she decided on this:

only slightly out of her price range!  she has been eyeing this bed for a few years now :)  she then suggested this:

i'm thinking she is going to have to do some extra chores around the house before we go shopping!

Christmas 2011

this holiday season was jam packed full of family christmas' and all types of holiday fun.  between both families, we had seven christmas' to attend (one family christmas was broken up into two dates due to scheduling conflicts).  jeff and i are so thankful that we live near our families and are able to make just about everything.  and i'm pretty sure the girls are thankful too...  the racked up a ton of gifts!  of course they enjoy playing with their cousins that they don't get to see that often too. 

christmas on my mom's side of the family was extra special this year.  this will probably be the last christmas we celebrate in my grandfather's house.  he now lives in a nursing home and his house will be put on the market at the end of the month.

the girls really enjoy playing with their older cousins.

my grandfather's house has a really long driveway.  perfect for bikes and scooters :)

neely trying to swipe something out of kevyn's dora backpack on her bike.  swiper no swiping!

you might be wondering why the kids are blowing bubbles on christmas...  i wondered the same thing too.

 i love this picture of kevyn and my grandpa.  she was not prompted to do this.  she simply saw him and decided she needed to go tell him something.  i'm not sure what it was and i doubt he knows what it was either (he is very hard of hearing - lol!).

both the girls participated in the church's christmas pageant.  they were angels.  one was very excited to be there and the other had to be bribed.  can you guess which one?
when getting dressed, kelby ran from me shouting "i don't want my wings!  i don't want my antennae!"  haha, she called her halo her antennae :)  they both ended up doing great and received cookies and treat bags afterwards.

we also found time to make it out to the lights of tejas.  if you haven't been - i highly recommend it. 

the guys ventured the rock climbing wall.  i'm not sure how high it is, but i do know darren spanked jeff in their race to the top. 

nat & kelby cheering on their dads.

the guys in action.  darren already had a big lead on jeff :)

kelby's pre-k class also had several performances singing at local banks.  i was able to make the last performance and i think all the practice paid off.  they did great!

of course each kid had class christmas party. 
kelby has a hard time keeping her eyes open for pictures...  this is the best picture i got.

kevyn's class "splurged" and everyone got a happy meal.

christmas at jeff's parents house was also special this year since we have added a new member to the family.  this was lyla's first christmas.

kelby and kevyn were very eager to help lyla with all her presents. 

grandma & grandpa like to spoil the girls.  this year they received a jungle gym (along with many other toys). 

the festivities seemed to be never ending.  another christmas was celebrated at the local church's parish hall.  the girls had lots of cousins around their age to play with. 

i'm thinking this was part of a "simon says" game.

kevyn loves hats and she put them on her wish list.  at this christmas, she received three!  lucky girl!


on christmas day evening, we went over to granny & poppa's house where the girls were surprised to see that santa had left granny & poppa a mustang!  santa left granny & poppa a barbie jeep a few years back, but i guess he new it was time to add another car to the fleet since the drivers/riders have increased.

kelby kinda looks gangsta with her hat pulled down low :)

neely, kelby, nat and kevyn

something else that i also want to remember about this christmas was how i was constantly finding my nativity rearranged.  at first my ocd would kick in and i would put it back the way i wanted it.  but then i started to become fond of my constantly changing nativity scene.  once i found baby jesus laying on a cows back.  i'm guessing he was going for a ride.  i wish i would have taken more pictures of all the different scenes :(