one room challenge {week 6}

daaaang!  that went by way too fast!

so here i am squeaking something out the final hour....  typical.  is the room done?  no.  is it better than six weeks ago?  yes!  and that to me makes participating in the one room challenge totally worth it!  i'm not one who can look at a room, decorate it all in my head, and then go and purchase everything at once.  i like to do it in layers.  buy something, make sure it works, and go on from there.  so even though the six weeks is up, i'm not stopping!  i've got a list of items to purchase and DIY's to be done!

soooo....  with out further ado, here is my guest room/office space:

off to the left you can see the skirted table my mom and husband helped me with.  and above the table is some shelving we installed last weekend.  the brackets were $5 a pair from ikea that i spray painted an aged brass, and the shelving is pine that i stained.

my solution to all the papers that seemed to clutter our desk was to get myself and jeff each a document box.  i'm the type of person that needs to clear my desk before i can work.  having all the papers tucked away makes me happy.  :)

instead of purchasing new lamps, again, i spray painted some that i already had the same aged brass i used for the ikea brackets.  (i have my eye on a few other items i want to spray paint the same color.  nothing is safe in this house.)  i love the way they turned out.  we also painted the iron bed a gray color.  originally it was ivory and it needed to change since everything else in the room is a pretty bright white.

my shelves definitely need some styling.  after searching around on pinterest and other blogs, i've compiled a list of guest room essentials.  i plan on adding a few of those items to the shelves.

i also want to add some hooks to that back wall.  i saved a few antique wooden hangers of my grandparents i would like to have them hang on that back wall for guests to use.

so, like i said, it's not done, but it is better.  now if i could just get my act together to finish the rest of our house...

you can see my past weeks here:
week 1, week 2, week 3, week 5

and you can see all the other participants here.  thanks linda for hosting!


one room challenge {week 5}

we are just going to pretend that i didn't skip week 4.

so here we are week 5 of the one room challenge.  you can view all the other participants here and my last one room challenge post here.

so where am i?  well my desk is FINALLY in!  yay!!!  y'all i don' t think i've ever waited/thought about a piece of furniture as much as i've done with this desk.

it's a little deeper than what i would like for the space, but it's size does make for a large work area which is also nice.  and i love that it's not bulky.  

my mom helped me rearrange the room a little and moved the antique wood filing cabinet into the corner of the room most visible when entering.  i really do love this piece and think it was a great idea to put it front and center versus it being hidden behind the door.

the change then puts the skirted table hidden behind the door.  and i'm happy i procrastinated in getting my mom to cut some slits for our wires because now the slits will need to placed on the opposite side.  

so when i left last time i noted that i still need to find a lamp (or two).  my youngest and i made a little shopping trip on sunday but came home sans lamps.  ugh!  we even went to home goods where i almost always find what i'm looking for...  i did not get home goods happy.  ;)

i have one more shopping trip scheduled before the final reveal so i'm keeping my fingers crossed i find something.  if not, i will be shopping my home.

one week to go!  eek!

~ becky