my baby turned seven. and i'm not exactly thrilled about this. i told her this is the last birthday i'll let her have. but of course i was kidding. maybe.
although i haven't gotten around to posting about it yet (let's be honest, i think we are all a little shocked i'm posting period), we celebrated kevyn's actual birthday at disneyland! we all had a blast (as you will soon see hopefully) until our final day there and the trip home. kevyn came down with a horrible stomach bug. i'm sure it will be one of those things that we will look back on years from now and laugh at how horrible it was, but currently i think i'm suffering from a little ptsd. it was horrible. and this is coming from the mom who just got puked on. i'm positive it was twice as miserable for kevyn. needless to say we both reeked of vomit by the time we got home and went straight to the shower.
kevyn celebrated her birthday with friends at Horseshoe Junction after our trip. everyone had so much fun celebrating kevyn!
