say it ain't so...

where did summer go?!?  

i swear it was yesterday that we were walking out of kindergarten graduation and i looked at the first grade teacher and said "see ya next year."

this week it all changes.  this week i will become the mom of a first grader and a pre-k'er.

this week we start the twice a week cheer practices and twice a week soccer practices.
(we also have two orientations and one parent-teacher conference. and its jeff's birthday.)

this week i will miss our evening bike rides and late bedtimes.

i'm also practicing my "excited face" for when kelby shows me the mandatory reading she must complete when in reality i will be longing for the fun chapter books we've been reading this summer.

but as sad as i might be to see summer go, i am also excited to see what this year holds for the kids.  kevyn is very excited about starting pre-k.  pre-k is across the street at the "big school."  major cool points in her book.  they also get to go on field trips.  she's certain they are going somewhere this week already.  either the zoo or the jersey barnyard.  i hope she's not too disappointed.  she is however worried she might have to do P.E. since she is at the big school now.  silly girl!

kelby starts first grade.  she already knows her first grade teacher pretty well since first grade and kindergarten do a lot together.  (their school is really small.  only one class in each grade.)  she's excited about seeing her old friends and can't wait to meet the four kids that she's heard are transferring into her class.  she is also looking forward to the many field trips first grade gets to go on.

so on wednesday when i take my girls to their new classrooms, i'll try to hold back my tears and not focus on yet another year that has slipped by.  i'll focus on how excited the girls are.  nothing makes this momma's heart happier than seeing smiles on her girls faces.

here's to a great 2013-2014 school year!

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