one room challenge {week 3}

hi all!  today i'm going to share one of the DIY we've done so far.  ok, so "we" might be a stretch.  it was mostly done by my husband and mom.  but hey, it was my idea.  that should count for something, right?  no?

so remember in week 1 where i showed the picture of our monster printer that sits in the corner of the room?  i knew i need to somehow hide that bad boy, but i didn't want anything boxy.  you know what i mean?  i needed something "soft" since this room does double as a guest bedroom.  i thought a skirted table, much like the images below, would be perfect.   

so i asked my very kind husband to help me construct a table to cover the printer and a rollie thing for the printer to sit on so it can slide out easily.  (these are all very technical terms.  take notes.)  it fits in this corner inside of the window trims perfectly.  he even made little cutouts for the cords to plug into the wall.

i then asked my mom to sew a cover for it.  i told her it would need a flap in the front so that the printer could roll out when needed.  we talked about different options and this is what she came up with.

we still need to tweak it some.  (yes, i'm still saying "we."  clearly i'm giving myself way too much credit.)  we (ha!) need to cut a hole or slit or something for the cords on the right to go through.  currently because there is no slit, the cover pulls to the right.  but i still love.  my poor pictures do not do it justice. 

and ignore the cords creeping out.  i should have cleaned up before taking the pics.

and this is how it looks when we roll the printer out.  it works perfectly.  

the fabric is a softened linen that i ordered from here.  i chose dove grey. 

and because we overestimated the amount of fabric needed, my mom was able to sew this pillow cover.  is my mom not the best or what?!? 

oh and that big white blob you see blocking my table skirt picture...  that is the parsons chair i ordered for the desk.  i also had it monogrammed on the back with our last name initial in gray.

 i also got in the terrarium i shared in last weeks vision board.  buttttt....  i might need to read up on how exactly i should plant and take care of the succulents i put inside.  i'm not off to a good start...  and yes, i still have the fancy lifetime table desk.  but hopefully not much longer.

so.  plans for the upcoming week...

~  my desk should be coming in and i. cannot. wait!  i am sure that when we get rid of the lifetime table it is going to make a huge difference!

~ i need to figure out what i'm going to do on my walls.  order more art, pictures, leave it bare, etc.

~ i need to start looking for lamps as well.  i made the comment recently to my husband about how i just love a room with a soft glow from a lamp.  his eyes about rolled out of his head.  but its true!  i love lamps!

check back next week for some progress pictures!

and be sure to check out all of the other room room challenge participants here.



  1. Love your skirted table. Always a great way to hide what you don't want seen!

  2. Love the idea of a skirted table. I hate being able to see alot of cords--hello wireless! It looks great!

  3. That's a great little pillow! Good idea for concealing your printer : ]

  4. What a smart idea, the skirted table. Looks great and much more sleek.

  5. Wow! I have never seen a skirted side table before. I love unusual things, and this looks awesome!

  6. I love every single thing you've done! LOVE it ALL! You are very creative!

  7. What a great idea! Well done. My mom is also my sewer. For some reason I never picked up that skill from her, but really wish I did. Love the parsons chair too :)

  8. Great cover-up for the printer!!! Everything is looking great too!
