spitz reunion '14

i've really been slacking here...  this post has been sitting in my drafts for a few weeks.  i decided yesterday that today i needed to find the time to write some brief commentary and then post for all to see.  

labor day weekend we were able to spend the extended weekend with family at our annual family reunion.  you can see years past here and here.  this is something that our girls look forward to many months in advance.  they are always asking when we get to go back to "reunion camp!"  the aunts (aka antz) do a great job of keeping everyone entertained with the crazy games they come up with and there is plenty of pool time and playing with cousins too.

my mom and her five siblings take turns with the meals with each family hosting a meal.  somehow several years ago this turned into "themed" meals and it is so much fun seeing what the families come up with!

we had a disney themed meal with all things disney and princess and pirates...

a german themed meal which included uncle don playing his tuba...

our meal was teen beach movie themed...

and a frozen themed meal.  this definitely was a crowd pleaser as we have a lot of little girls in our family!

neely was trying her hardest NOT to show me her powdered sugar covered lips.

we also had an iron chef themed meal, but i unfortunately left my camera in the cabin at that time.

as for the crazy games i mentioned above, we did this sock on a bottle that you dip in bubbles thing and then blow bubbles everywhere.  (give me a break...  YOU try naming that!)

and then there was the frozen t-shirt contest where you grab a frozen shirt and then figure out how to thaw it enough that you can put it on.  first one to wear their shirt wins.

and we had boat races!  each group scavenged for supplies and then we all met at the pool to see each others creation.  our girls didn't win but it was still a ton of fun!

there was also the annual non-talent talent show!  along with silly skits, there was a lot of singing.  mainly songs from frozen.  (am i the only one who's skin crawls every time that song starts???   i'm so over it!  let it go!)

kevyn's initially was going to sing a song from teen beach movie.  but about 20 minutes before the talent show started she came over and whispered to me that she would no longer be singing.  she would be dancing!  um, ok?  i asked her if she needed a song and she replied no.  

for those of you who are not around her much, kevyn loves to have "reformances."  every gift giving holiday for the past few years i've been "gifted" reformances.  yay.  what makes them even better is that they typically end in tears when i tell her 10 minutes into them that its time to start wrapping it up.  so i guess really she might be correct when saying "reformances"...  it's like a performance on repeat.

so like i reeeally needed her to perform to a song so that the song would end and hopefully she would too. not just mean momma telling her to wrap it up.  thankfully she ended up reforming to a song!

THANK YOU so much to my family who witnessed kevyn leaping across the stage for the duration of a song and then gave her a good round of applause.  it made her day!

oh!  have y'all played the charades app!  it is so much fun and free!

well there you have it!  another awesome reunion in the books.


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