so there is no way i can actually get this blog completely caught up with everything we've done over the past 3+ years. maybe i'll go back and do a "catch up" post periodically... maybe i'll just pretend that the hiatus didn't happen... i guess we'll see. ;)
a lot has happened since my last post when kelby turned 10... kelby is now 12 and kevyn is 10. they've both grown into the sweetest girls and make me really proud on the daily. kelby has declared soccer her sport (but we think she's pretty good at basketball too) and kevyn has become our volleyball player. they both are on traveling teams and it can get kinda crazy on weekends when their games overlap. (i'm currently typing this at 5:45 am on a sunday morning after sending jeff & kevyn to houston for a tournament. kelby has a soccer game today at 2.)
we've also gone on some pretty awesome trips. i do hope that i'll eventually go back and do posts on each of these vacations... they were each so amazing!
probably the biggest and most exciting news is that our family is growing! we are in the process of adding the sweetest 4 and 5 yo boys to our family! the adoption will not be final for a few more months so until then i won't be sharing much about them. we are ALL just so excited!
ok, this is it for today. i'll be back with a little life lately post. i'm really excited to be back!
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