look at how tiny they both were!
kevyn got to take cupcakes to school today. when i asked her a few weeks back what kind of cupcakes she wanted, she stated she wanted the ones with rings in them. after a few minutes, i realized what she was talking about. many of her friends pick up cupcakes from brookshire brothers and they top the cupcakes with various rings. so last sunday we went to brookshires and she got to pick out which rings she wanted (with kelby's help of course). isn't it awesome when your kids pick out the easiest option for mom?!?
i also asked her what she wanted for dinner tonight since it was her birthday and she told me a lunchable - lol! gotta love it! i'll see what i can do ;)
she still has a little problem putting up three fingers to show how old she is. that fourth finger just always seems to pop up...
happy birthday big girl! i hope your day is super special!
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