
straight from camp, my mom packed up the girls and met jeff, my dad and myself in round top for their annual fourth of july parade.  we got there early since all the streets on the parade route seem to fill up quickly.  it was hot.  REAL hot.  but thankfully the guys brought a canopy and an umbrella for extra shade.

kevyn and avery waiting for the parade to begin.  from the look on kevyn's face, i don't think she was thrilled to be sharing the screen ;)

how funny is this donkey?!?

natalie waiting for some candy to be tossed her way:

two exhausted little campers who opted to sit in the shade rather than catch more candy:

sweet cousin lyla:

the remainder of the day was spent relaxing at the house and then grilling burgers that evening.  our campers were pooped and did not put up much of a fight when we decided on an early bed time.

on a side note, framing has begun on our house and i hope to go by there soon to snap a few pictures to share with all of you!

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